Eight striders went to Buxton on a miserable rainy day to tackle this tough half marathon course. First in for the striders was Sam Amps in 1.33.22, brilliant performance, second in and knocking 7 minutes off last years time was Luke Stevenson in 1.40.53. Pascale Holden was 5th lady overall and third back for shelton (also knocking 6 minutes off last year) in 1.41.58 (trophy and a bottle of wine!!!), Wayne Stevenson knocked 21 minutes off last years time (no hangover!) and came in shortly after Pas in 1.43.44. Paul Brunt back from injury completed in 1.45.10. Steve Baxter made his debut in his first competitive half marathon and nailed it in 1.56.05 (a tough first half marathon) followed in by Julie Stevenson in 1.56.43 (1st v45 lady – trophy & a bottle of wine) and last but definitely not least was Dave Keegan in 2.05.11! Well done everyone!