You can now join Shelton Striders quickly & easily online!

Please visit our Online Membership page here. This allows you to fill in your details on the page and submit an application request to us. Our Membership Secretary will then register you on the England Athletics portal and arrange for a link to an online payment facility to be sent to you via email.

Join Us
If you’re not already a member, please come down to either our Wednesday or Friday night sessions to find out who we are and what we do. You’re welcome to join as a guest on up to three occasions, but beyond that we expect participants to join as either social or competitive members.
The club is affiliated to England Athletics (EA) and competitive members join with England Athletics registration, which will entitle you to the registered athlete discount on race entries. Competitive members can also enter the club ballot (after a qualifying period) for a place in the London Marathon.

  • The club (and EA) membership year runs from 1 April to 31 March.
  • Competitive members will be registered with EA and will receive a registration card which entitles them to enter events at the discounted (affiliated) rate and enjoy other EA benefits. Members must be EA registered to represent the club in races run under UKA rules.
  • Junior membership applies to those aged under 18.
  • Payments are made online through the EA portal. For those unable or preferring not to pay online, cash or cheque payable to ‘Shelton Striders’ is an option. Please contact our Membership Secretary by email – please see the Contact Us page.

Current competitive membership fees are £33 adults / £23 juniors (up to 18). This includes the EA affiliation fee, currently £19, which goes directly to EA. Juniors rarely benefit from affiliation but, if chosen, is the same i.e £19.

Social (or second claim) membership is £16 for Adults and £6 for Juniors.

To check or update your England Athletics profile, login to the myATHLETICS Portal here.

For queries regarding club membership please contact our Membership Secretary via email. See the Contact Us page.


Membership subscriptions become due on 1st April and should be paid before 31st May in order to maintain your club membership and English Athletics registration status.

Members who have an email address registered with England Athletics should receive an email on or shortly after 1 April with a link to pay club membership fees online through the England Athletics Web Portal and are encouraged to make use of this payment method. This is the same whether you are a Competitive, Social or Second Claim member. If paying this way, there is no need to submit a new membership application form.

If your details have changed at all, and you are unable to amend this online using the EA portal, or you want to change your membership status, then please contact our Membership Secretary. See the Contact Us page.