Ask not what what the club can do for you
but volunteer and really be a part of the club.
This club is, like so many clubs, a group of friends who have come together to practice a sport or hobby that is, for them, a big part of their lives. But it’s also an organisation and things don’t organise themselves. No one in the club is salaried – everyone involved in running it is a volunteer, so come on be a part of the club and not a freeloader – there are lots of things you can help with.
Tea Rota – if everyone volunteered for this then any one person would do ONE Friday a year. Is that so bad? (click here to see the tea rota and volunteer)
Open/Close Rota – Opening up is a matter of being at the club to let people in and open the cupboard at 18:45 – that’s no so onerous is it?
Closing up means hanging round until about 20:30 and making sure the lights are out and locking the doors which is about five minutes work. When you normally leave look at the clock and you’ll see it’s closer to 20:30 than you think. You could hang around a little longer once in a while couldn’t you? (click here to see the open close rota and volunteer)
There are plenty of other ways to help for example:-
- Join the committee
- Distribute leaflets for the annual 10k
- Offer to marshal at one of the events
- Plus many more opportunities – ask and listen for appeals