This event is only open to club members but we’re more than willing to accept new members.
OK folks so teams of 4. Can either be 4 x gents, 4 x ladies or 4 x mixed teams (you can run twice for the same team or across different teams if we struggle to make up complete teams). 2 miles per leg. Legs can be run any day between Mon 20 and Thu 23 April but you need to specify the day in advance. Teams will be formed completely at random – the intention of the Virtual Event is not for Clubs to submit their “quickest teams”, it’s more about being inclusive
and motivational – it might be that runners could be in “virtual team” with someone they may never have ran with before. If you are wanting to take part please select GOING to the event. In a couple of days time I’ll start putting groups of people together. For each I’ll allocate a Captain who needs to then decide who runs on which day – that way for anyone who is still doing the Covid-19 relays their is an opportunity to take part in both events. I need to submit names and running orders by next Sunday.Interclub Isolation Relays