Covid-19 19 relay

This event is running but feel free to join up if we’ve missed you. Email stolen from Rushcliffe AC (rules and all!)

We’ll be split into 2 Teams: Odds and Evens.
Your birthday dictates which team you are in. For example, if your birthday is 16th March, you are an “Even”. You get the idea?

The relay will continue until the virus ends or we get bored. At that point, The winning team will be the one with most distance covered.

1. Each team captain nominates one runner per day via Facebook/email. If you are picked, please confirm that you can run that day. Don’t worry if you can’t, you’ll get another chance.

2. Each runner runs for 19 minutes and records the distance covered – via Strava, GPS or “old skool” (OS map and a piece of cotton).

3. Each runner MUST carry a baton. The sillier, the better. There will be prizes…

4. Once a runner completes their run, they must post pictures of themselves and their baton plus the distance covered on Facebook (or email to their team captain, who will post it).

5. The team that has covered the most ground at the end of the challenge, wins the much-coveted “insert trophy ideas here”.

6. In the event of a draw, no one will care.

7. Each team must include athletes of all ages, genders and haircuts.

8. Each team can “play their joker”. That runner gets double distance!

9. Daftness is encouraged.

10. It is a competition, but no one cares who wins.

11. Expect the rules to change mid-relay.