Dave Denton Races – over Christmas/New Year 2017


The time has come to think about your sporting activities over the forthcoming Festive period….to create a balance between (over) indulging in the delights of wonderful food and drink and your health!!!!

For nigh on 25 years, I have organised races on the day after Boxing Day and also on New Year’s Day and they will be organised again this Christmastide.

1: WEDNESDAY 27 DECEMBER at 11.30am : The QUEEN’S HEAD 5km ROAD RACE with registration from 10.30am at the pub of that name on Chesterfield Road, Belper DE56 1FF. Entry fee £5. A gently undulating out-and-back run on mainly rural roads with Kilometres marked.

2: MONDAY 1 JANUARY 2018 at 11am : The NEW YEAR’S DAY HANGOVER 5.5 MILE ROAD RACE with registration from 10am at the Malt Shovel Inn, Oakerthorpe Road, Wash Green, Wirksworth DE4 4GS : Entry fee £5. A single lap with downhill running in the first half of the loop and a gradual climb to the finish from half way.


Either by e-mail to zz_running_z(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)hotmail.co.uk or by mobile phone to 077 47 77 62 33.

If you just wish to enter the Queen’s Head event, start your entry with QH5; if you just wish to enter the 1 January event, start your entry with NY5; but if you wish to enter both, start your entry with QH5 & NY5. Then type your details as follows :

SURNAME, FIRST NAME, AGE & DATE of BIRTH, CLUB (or state UN if not a club member), MOBILE NUMBER and E-MAIL ADDRESS.

You will then receive a confirmation including an indication of your race number that can be collected on the morning of the race – the number should be used for both races. You can pay the entry fee on the day.

I do hope that you are enjoying your sport and that 2018 will bring improvements to your times as well
as further enjoyment and friendships.

With thanks and best wishes,
