Race Results – Malaga Half Marathon – 10th March 2024

Over the weekend Steve Cartwright & his wingman Lee Meakin popped over to Malaga again, with the intention of taking it easy, having a few drinks etc. They made the mistake however, of going to the Expo for the Malaga Half Marathon (which they both had entries for, but weren’t going to do, due to training not going as planned/started!). Once there, the boys were swept along with pre-race excitement so they couldn’t’ resist, and decided to have a bash at it!!

After a lovely 5am get up, they made it to the start line, with Steve going on to finish and Lee opting for his own version (consisting of a 5K run/walk out & back – nice improvisation Lee!). Well done chaps, I’m sure you’re glad you did it/sort of did it, and celebrated in style afterwards :D

Malaga Half Marathon

Pos.Nameofficial T.T. Real
3605STEVE CARTWRIGHT02:23:0902:18:44