Masson Hill Fell Race – 29th April 2014

Masson Hill Fell Race (6.5 Km & 340 metres)

It was quite a hot sticky night in Matlock Bath, just right for a brutally hilly but enjoyable race. The tussle by the two in form Striders continues with Rob Donald coming in first by several seconds this time. Not to be out done Paul Brunt didn’t surrender his lead to James in a dash for the line (maybe next time James).

All proceeds from the race go to Holy Trinity C of E School in Matlock Bath who hosted a fab little race. This was proceeded by fish & chips in Matlock, cracking evening. If only it was a chip eating race! Well done everyone.

4th Rob Donald
5th Kenny Malton
13th Marcel Darling
32nd Sam Amps
48th Andy Bradley (v55 winner)
62nd Paul Brunt
63rd James Realy
75th Rachel Farrow
85th Dave Keegan

96 finishers

This is just the sort of race to get into fell running. Maybe we can get more Striders at this type of event?