Lichfield Half Marathon – 6th May 2018

“Narrowly missed out on the win today, but had a fabulous time running with the winner for 10 miles. Honestly she needed the new trainers more than me anyway! Just pipped at the line for second too, but very happy with equalling last year’s third place at the Lichfield half”

Just two Striders finished this race and Pascale’s account (above) doesn’t reflect the tightness of the racing. On CHIP timing Pas’s time equalled first lady and second lady was 2 seconds slower.  So just three seconds separated them on the line after 13 miles of racing! But it’s the order that you cross the line that determines the placing, not the chip time.  Pascale came home 50th in 1:37:17.

Oh, and Brian Thomas ran too! Brian came home 39th in 1:35:39. Another excellent run on an extremely warm day.

Great running guys.