Race Results – Black Rocks Fell Race, Brooksies Bash 10 mile Trail Race, Tittesworth Reservoir 50k – 12th/16th July 2023

A few more results from over the weekend, with awesome Striders again pushing themselves – Pascale Holden did the Black Rocks Fell Race on Wednesday evening, Tara Kinder Memorial 10k on the Friday, then to top it all, Brooksies Bash on the Sunday!! Wow incredible Pas, well done! Rob Higson also did both Black Rocks and Brooksies too – brill mate!

Andrew Powell continued his excellent recent form by coming top Strider at Black Rocks and 39th overall, with James Realey the next Strider, that’s really great running chaps!

At Brooksies, Denise Robertson picked a challenging but beautiful course to do her first ever 10 mile race, fantastic running Denise well done! Hazel Baxter also took this on, I think this may have been her first go at this race? Well done too Hazel!

Also on Sunday, Rachel Young built on her cracking London Marathon run and took on the 50k Tittesworth Reservoir Ultra – it actually seems like she enjoyed it too! (I think!?). Brilliant achievement Rach, well done, you can now start doing some Parkruns again :D

A big thanks to everyone who’s supported these races and Parkrun over a very busy weekend – special mention to Eamonn Hughes for Marshalling Tara Kinder 10k, running Alvaston Parkrun, then Marshalling again at Brooksies Bash on Sunday – this while taking great pictures of everyone at all 3 events – thanks very much Eamonn!

Just one other thing I forgot to mention, just wanted to say how well Paul Roome did on Friday at Tara Kinder – Paul is Marathon training and ran 7 ish miles there and back, plus cruising to a nice 43:56 10k in the middle – a 20 ish mile Friday evening Paul, amazing stuff mate!

Black Rocks Fell Race

Place Name First name Last name Category Time
39 Andrew Powell Andrew Powell MV40 53:29.9
60 James Realey James Realey Senior Male 56:24.3
65 Pascale Holden Pascale Holden FV50 57:15.4
91 Rob Higson Rob Higson MV40 1:00:22.7

Brooksies Bash – 10 mile trail race

Position First name Surname Age Cat. Time
50 Rob Higson V40 01:24:27
52 Pascale Holden V50 01:24:58
203 Denise Robertson V40 01:48:40
227 Paul Webster V70 01:50:41
232 Hazel Baxter V40 01:51:37

Tittesworth Reservoir 50k

Pos Net Pos Name Gun Time Chip Time Category Cat Pos Gen Pos
98 98 RACHEL YOUNG 07:28:40 07:28:17 V35 6 20