Social/Fundraising Event – The Dave Nunn 5/10/15k

Well done everyone who took part in the Dave Nunn 5/10/15k event around the Pride Park area, both running and organising. Always a popular Striders event, here’s Sam’s write up:

Thank you so much for taking part last night and it was good to have the Dave Nunn 5,10,15km run back on the calendar.
A fantastic turnout saw 30 of you spread over the 3 distances.
Our social get togethers are always a excellent highlight of this club, plenty of the usual people and great to see some of our newer Striders joining us. Also the man himself Dave Nunn turning up to say hi, set this social event up many years a go.
Thanks to the helpers Sally Cartwright taking peoples names and money and Patrick Munro for bringing the tea and coffee down.

A fantastic amount £100 raised for this years charity – Backup.

1 Liz Phillips  00:22:50
2 Daz Sheppard  00:23:31
3 Carolyn Derbyshire  00:24:45
4 Steve Wells  00:26:05
5 Marcel Darling  00:26:10
5 Alison Wells  00:26:10
6 Shaun Cooper  00:28:01
6 Rob Higson  00:28:01
7 Lynsey Butcher  00:28:41
8 Alex Hall  00:28:57
9 Eamonn Hughes  00:30:08
10 Paul Phillips  00:30:25
11 Paul Webster  00:32:03
11 Steve Oliver  00:32:03
12 Luke Bremmer  00:34:03
13 Margaret Cowling  00:35:53
1 Andy Miller  00:41:54
2 Elliott Parker  00:42:23
3 Andy Powell  00:43:38
4 Andrew Lucas  00:45:25
5 Jerry Evans  00:47:04
6 Daniel Butcher  00:47:21
7 Patrick Munro  00:51:58
8 Christine Duffy  00:57:44
9 Dave Duffy  00:58:03
14 Steve Aynsley  01:12:40
1 James Realey  01:11:05
2 Ian Crompton  01:11:18
3 Pascale Holden  01:11:56
4 Neil Realey  01:11:59