Duffield 5 – 24th June 2019

The results only show names for the first 50 finishers and no clubs for anyone. I have gleamed the following results. Another win for Kenny – this is getting to be a habit. Second in category for Liz – well done! And Paul, when I spoke to him on Friday, thought he finished in 208th to 212th (ish). Apparently the start was narrow and steep in places but finished on quite a wide long downhill which was ‘nice’.

Well done everyone.

  Pos Time  
Kenny Malton 1 00:32:27 Winner
Jonathan Branch 8 00:35:56  
Matt Bailey 32 00:39:55  
Rachel Farrow 80 00:45:12  
Matt Henning 108 00:48:02  
Liz Phillips 126 00:49:28 2nd in cat
Tim Staniforth 196 00:58:14  
Alex Hall 199 00:58:34  
Paul Phillips 208-212ish