Mackworth Marathon Challenge – 8th September 2018

Hope everything is going well and you are looking forward to Saturday.

The charity being supported this year is The Padley Group, we have come up with an idea of how you might like to help them out.

We would like to invite you to create a shoebox for the homeless, below is a list of items/ideas that could go into the shoebox. 

Underwear (new)
Socks (new)

They may seem like simple items to you and I, but for the homeless they are not easy things to access. So if we can create some shoeboxes with some lovely treats in, we will make some people very happy.

Also you could write a message on the top of the box to the person who may receive it, it will be lovely for them to read something from who sent it.

Please bring your shoebox or items along to the event, we will have a designated place for you to drop off.

With me doing quite a few events over the years and seen many different set ups, l have learnt a lot from them.
Last year we had a food table with all sorts on from cakes, sweets, sandwiches, nuts, etc. We plan to offer the same again, with this being a charity based event all money raised will go to the charity. So can you provide anything/ donate that can be added to the table – it is there for you to use, replenish your energy and hopefully keep you going for ??? Laps.
Please bring it on the day

Also remember it is a cupless event to save on waste and keep use of plastic down, so bring your own bottle and we will have a designated table for bottles.
We will provide the water, just remember your hydration powder/ tablets or whatever you maybe using.

Will be posting the route this evening so you can see it prior to Saturday.

I really hope you can support, see you there