Four Runner – 25th August 2018

This was a logistics trial for an event Derwent Runners were hoping to make an annual event.

It consists of 4 different runs… (1) a cross country lap (2)  a hill climb (3) a mile (4) a fast lap. The time for each race gives them a standing in that race and the aggregate time gives the event placing.

Just 2 Striders lent a hand by competing in this event. Pascale Holden came first lady in all her events with times of (18:39, 8:14, 6:17, 2:47) 35:57 and walked off with a prize. Shaun Cooper came (7,7,6,7) 7th in a time of  (18:18, 7:36, 5:44, 2:37)  34:12

The trial was deemed a success so watch out for it on next years calendar.