Hairy Scary Helmet – 18th October 2019

Two teams of “Striders” entered this event (I do believe Vikki Hodges is soon to join us so I have taken the liberty of counting her as a Strider too).

The team Scarelight Express (think Starlight Express but scarier) put in an appearance. Kenny Malton, Pascale Holden, Rachel Farrow and Sean Cooper came home in a time of 1:00:21 in 11th position and 4th in category.

The Running Scared team of Chris Wilshaw, Jonah Harrison, Vikki Hodges, and Irena Hulova  came home in a time of 1:05:11 in 26th place and 8th in category.

Vicki Alldread and Christine Allread also ran in the team that came home in 21:06 and 31:03 respectively.

Well done everyone!