Outlaw Triathlon – 24th July 2016

This weekend saw Darren Bradley tackle the Outlaw Triathlon which is a gruelling Iron Man event involving swimming 2.4 miles,cycling 112 miles and chasing that down with a full distance marathon – just for ‘afters’. Extremely well done that man!

2.4 mile swim 112 mile cycle 26.2 mile run Total time
01:46:02 07:09:42 05:31:03 14:42:47

This is what Darren said after the event….

“Well, as I’m lying in bed with legs that are screaming I thought now is a good time to thank a few people for Sunday. Firstly to Amanda Lewis and Jordan Lewis for being my support crew from 4am until finish. May not have made the start time without you (wouldn’t be the first time!). To Chris Purslow, Kevin Milwain, Paul Webster, Tracy Sexton Hepburn, and Simon Dawes for cheerleading duties. To Andy Brooks for running with me through the hurt on the run and to Dean Ward for staying late after marshalling duties with words of encouragement. Each and every one of you were amazing and I’m so glad you were around to support me on the toughest challenge I may ever do. So proud of what I’ve achieved, not just today but the incredible 10 months of training it has took to get here. From my atrocious swimming to 2.4 miles in the lake and my non existent road biking to 112 miles of torture around country lanes earlier. Last but not least thank you to all those people who were a part of that training i.e. the Striders lot. Will never forget…”

And so you should be proud and I, for one, am proud to know you! Brilliant effort!