Holme Moss Fell Race – 25th July 2021

Loved, loved loved my first AL category fell race adventure today! Holme Moss. It was a bit of a shock when the sun came out after the first few miles, but luckily I’d put sunscreen on and there was extra water at the checkpoints. Not as hot as last week. The climbs were suitably tough, not least the one in the photo (taken by the fabulous Fiona Floss Dyson who just happened to be at the top cheering us on – always lovely to see a friendly face in the middle of a race).
My watch says 28.8K in 4:46, which might indicate how much of a challenge this was for me, but that was the intention. What was a surprise was that I won second in age category! I think my first ever prize in a fell race. I had a choice of running kit, but all the clothes were too big, so I opted for a glorious woolly hat. On a hot July day


Pos   Time
20 Chris Wilshaw 03:37:46
21 Kenny Malton 03:39:47
27 Marcel Darling 03:48:27
69 Richard Green 04:43:13
73 Pascale Holden 04:46:08