In addition to the below I have been asked by Patrick to point out that cups for water will NOT be provided so please ensure you bring your own re-usable cup. You’re going to need one more and more anyway…
CAR SHARING – there, said it!
Please see the below (and attached) info from Hermitage Harriers regarding the first race of the season…
Please find attached details of the opening Derby Runner Cross Country League fixture, to be circulated to the clubs.
Can I draw attention, please, to 2 more suggested car parks near the WESTERN-most section of the course and tent area (public/Council provided; unmarshalled by Hermitage).
And – following some negative feedback from the larger car parking areas at the 2 schools, can we reiterate and remind, please?:
- Please do not drop any litter and take this home with you (applies to all 7 car park areas)
- There are no toilets at this event – until the race results in the pub. Please do not try any doors at the schools, exploring whether you can find a toilet. Last year, alarmed doors at the closed-for-the-weekend school were set off and security guards called out. As ever, folk generally turn a blind eye to wild wees, once you are nearer or on the xc course!
- Please do not park on grassed areas (tarmac/concrete-only) – nor block emergency exits
Thanks and see you all there soon