Yorkshire 3 Peaks Race – 30th April 2016

The race was the Yorkshire 3 Peaks Race. 23.5miles taking in the summits of Pen-y-Gent, Whernside and Ingleborough, and probably the biggest ‘Fell’ race in the world. It was the 11th time I’ve done it and finished in 4:06 (27m short of my PB but the best for a few years). Conditions were hard with snow on high ground and blizzards during the race.

It was Harry and Dave’s first time and they missed the very tight cut off at 12m by less than 2 mins. They didn’t realise they were off the pace as a lot of people were behind them. And they WOULD have finished but the organisers are strict on the cut-offs to protect the marshals from hypothermia.

It’s a great race but not to be taken lightly, as the experience of 2 of our seasoned off-road runners showed.

Andy Brooks

Many thanks for that Andy. When we look at the results we don’t see anything like that explanation and it goes to show the real value of someone submitting a race report. Very tough luck on Harry and Dave but well done everyone anyway.
