
Covid 19

Update 18th October 2020

During these tumultuous times we all have to make sure that we look after each other as well as comply with the restrictions laid down to help us control the spread of this virus. Because of this we need everyone to stop and think and remind themselves of the current situation.

(1) by attending any event you are giving an undertaking that you are not exhibiting any of the symptoms associated with Covid-19 and that from a health perspective you are not exhibiting any symptoms that make your involvement in any way controversial.

(2) by attending you are acknowledging that you should not be self-isolating or quarantining for any reason, and that you are not waiting for  a test or result for Covid-19 at all.


While the Team App is available for both Android and Apple IOS phones it can also be used by people via the web browser alone so a smart phone is not needed. During sign up just give as little information as you wish.

Social Events

Moorways Covid Track Briefing

For anyone new to the Track you need to be booked into a Track induction before your first session. You should contact to arrange this. Anyone who has previously attended does not require one.

Points to note

This information is covered in the Method Statements and Risk Assessments that are provided via the Team App – however to cover some of the key points:

You need to have booked onto the session via the Team App. The app also acts as an attendance register to allow us to do track and trace. It’s only by booking in in this way that you can be sure of not being turned away due to numbers for the event being too great.
• Covid self-declaration – by signing up via the app and attending the session you are confirming that you do not have any covid-19 symptoms.
• Whereas face coverings/masks are not required for the session you should have them with you in case of injury or to use the toilets.
• Changing rooms are not available.
• Toilets are available on a 1 in, 1 out basis controlled by the Moorways staff through the door accessible from the car park.
• Access to the track is from the car park and up the steps and to the right – follow the one-way system. Sanitiser is provided as you enter the track so please use this.
• Once you’ve entered the track, make sure your way to your designated training location maintaining social distancing.

  •  Fast: 200m line on inside of track
  •  Medium: Pole vault D or long jump pits
  •  Back Straight Gang: 100/300m line (depending which way we are running). The usual place!

• Store any kit next to a cone in the designated area. You will also find additional sanitiser here for use during the session as required. Maintain social distancing.
• When running try to run in pace order to minimise overtaking. Maintain social distancing.
• When running stick to the allocated lane (1, 4 and 6-8 whilst we have 3 groups – this may change). If overtaking is required use the next lane only after checking the other groups are not passing. Give as much space as possible.
• At the end of the session use the sanitiser in your area and then leave the track by the opposite side of the main spectator stand. Walk around the back of the building to the car park. You should also follow the same process if you need to use the toilets, re-entering the track as you’re about to do now.
• If you become injured, please indicate to another attendee so they can make the coach or leader aware. If medical assistance is required, we will contact 111/999 as appropriate.

If you have any questions/concerns email or contact Steve or Marcel during the session.


Social Events

You need to have booked onto the session via the Team App. As this is a social event an attendance register is not needed but you will be told whereabouts to meet your group in the car park (or wherever) and who is in your group. You must stay in your group and respect distances at all times. You will have a group leader and that group leader will ensure any questions you have get answered but you must stay as part of your group.