A = damn hilly, S = short but felt like a half marathon. When did running become so difficult?
Well, I have done this one before but it’s amazing how much a race can change with the weather. freezing strong wind, hail and knee deep water to traverse twice made things more interesting. Oh forgot mud and lots of it, the best bit 😂.
So thanks to Helen for testing our nerve and suggesting to do it.
Results, in 56.40 Marcel 130th,
[270th Chris Duro in 1:06:15]
in a very impressive 1.10.52 Helen Smith 311th,
127:02 Fiona Corden 377th.
Cracking day all round, although a tad chilly. Great to be out with the striders and just remembering what all that kit is for. Bring on some summer races from the pub.