Liverpool Rock&Roll Marathon/Half/5k – 28th May 2017

These results are compiled from photos so I may well have missed people – if I have then PLEASE let me know ( or through facebook)

  Pos Time
Sam Pearch 8 02:46:20
Brian Thomas 89 03:07:11
Matt Bailey 198 03:19:46
Rachel Farrow 628 03:42:05
Darren Sheppard 758 03:47:51
Richard Millward 898 03:53:07
Teresa Woods 1033 03:57:40
Matthew Henning 1638 04:23:17
Darren Bradley 1717 04:26:21
Amaris Alice Nerys 1845 04:30:54
Alex Hall 1849 04:30:59
Half Marathon
  Pos Time
Chris Turley 294 01:33:12
James Realey 370 01:35:24
Liz Phillips 2109 01:57:03
Dave Turley 2598 01:55:03
Christine Ongoma 2600 02:00:10
Dave Duffy 2601 02:00:11
Julie Corby 3347 02:06:59
Helen Hancock 3698 02:07:40
Steve Cartwright 3699 02:07:39
Heather Turley 4914 02:13:24
  Pos Time
Luke Bremmer 437 00:25:02