Following some issues with a runner at Milford, the race HQ for the NOT THE PEAT PIT WOODS 2 fell race will be the Bluebell Inn, Farnah Green, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 2UP and the start time will be 10.30am and not 12noon as previously advertised.
Entrants should note that they should come changed although it is hoped there will be a little space available – bit NOT in either of the 2 bars or the restaurant.
Also, entrants should NOT leave any belongings in the pub whilst competing – put you kit in your car and if you do not have a car, either ask another runner or myself.
There are limited toilet facilities so please take the necessary action before leaving home if possible.
As the Bluebell has a very busy Sunday lunch business, please try to car share and also PARK on the road on the right hand side looking up the hill (same side as the pub) or at the top of the hill where there is some off road parking….thus leaving the car park for the local customers of the pub.
If you ran the race in January from Milford, the course one Easter Sunday (5 April) is virtually the same but run in the opposite direction and starting on the road outside the Bluebell.
If you plan to run the event, please print an FRA form as follows :
and either :a: send it to David Denton, 5 Swinney Lane, Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1EF as soon as possible but to arrive by Wednesday 1 April and mark the top left hand corner of the envelope with the word FELL please. You can then pay the £4 entry fee on the day if you would prefer not to send a cheque. b: enter on the day but still print and complete an entry form and hand in from 09.30am OR Complete the form and e-mail it to me at and pay on the day
I am so sorry to have to make these changes but we learn from such occasions…..most of all, to act sensibly especially when using facilities in which we are guests. As the Bluebell does very good food….and always gets full….why not contact them in advance to book a lunch on The owner, Steve, told me that if booked in advance, he can arrange to make Sirloin beef cobs at £4. The phone number is 01773 826495 and say that you are running the fell race on Easter Sunday. ”