The final awards for 2013 were presented on presentation night on 31st January 2014. Here they are…

Special Awards
Unsung Heroes Pam & Brian Budd
Club Person  Steve Cartwright
Short competition
3rd Female Julie Stevenson 3rd Male Dave Keegan
2nd Female Rachel Farrow 2nd Male Robin Hutchinson
1st Female Catherine Clifford 1st Male Paul Brunt
Long Competition
3rd Female Chris Donald 3rd Male Shaun Cooper
2nd Female Christine Purslow 2nd Male Kenny Malton
1st Female Gayle Gamble 1st Male Rob Donald
2 Mile Handicap  4 Mile Handicap
3rd Ann Adams 3rd Dave Turley
2nd Chris Turley 2nd Gerry Mayfield
1st Heather Turley 1st Andy Bradley
Fun Runs
Boys Girls 
1st U/6  Ethan Buckley 1st U/10 & 3rd Overall Rose Buckley
2nd U/7 Pirran Holden 1st U/8 & 2nd Overall Lucy-Anna Boyd
1st U/7 & 3rd Overall  Henry Surgay 1st U/13 & 1st Overall Clodagh Holmes
1st U/9 Adam Crompton
2nd U/11 &2nd Overall Fergus Holmes
1st U/11 & 1st Overall Jack Surgay
1st U/13 Luke Pickering
2nd U/15  Thomas Boyd
1st U/15 Edward Baxter
3rd  John Holmes
2nd Louise Surgay
1st Ian Crompton
Road Championship
Men Women
3rd V60 Dave Keegan 1st V55 Margaret Cowling
2nd V60 Andrew Simons
1st V60 John Thornton 3rd V45 Alison Nunn
2nd V45 Christine Donald
3rd V40 Darren Sheppard 1st V45 & 3rd Overall  Christine Purslow
2nd V40  Ian Crompton
1st V40 & 3rd Overall  Matthew West 5th V35  Julie Stevenson
4th V35 Lindsey Buckley
3rd Senior Neil Rigby 3rd V35 Fiona Corden
2nd Senior & 2nd Overall James Cunningham 2nd V35 & 2nd Overall Silke Krieger-Ford
1st Senior & 1st Overall  Martin Kerr 1st V35 & 1st Overall Pascale Holden
3rd Junior Chris Turley 1st Senior Vicki Hutchinson
2nd Junior  James Realey
1st Junior Luke Stevenson

A copy of the results can be downloaded here 2013 Awards